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  • Writer's picturethatcyberguy5

Welcome to That Cyber Guy 5

Hey Everyone! That Cyber Guy here. I wanted to write my first blog post and say thank you for visiting my page. This blog is dedicated to mentoring other veterans, IT professionals, and really anyone passionate about Cyber Security.

Only got five minutes? I got you.

The idea for That Cyber Guy 5 as a tech blog is to provide quick and easily digestible news, reviews, tips, and tricks to help anyone who has an interest in cyber. I came up with this idea because in my experience, it can be quite challenging to try and stay up to date on the latest cyber information, especially if you are just starting out. So I decided I would make it easier for everyone by doing some of the heavy lifting for you!

In the future, my blogs will cover a variety of topics like:

- The Latest Cyber Attacks

- Reviews of APT Case Studies

- Tips and tricks on how to pass Industry InfoSec Certifications (my favorite)

- Book recommendations on Cyber Security

- And other really interesting news and reviews in Cyber!

So thanks for stopping by!

Just remember to

Stay Safe and Stay Cyber!

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